
Qt-based Rapid Application Development Framework

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Qtz Framework Build Status

Qtz is a Qt-based Rapid Application Development Framework. Currently Qtz consists of following libraries:

  • QtzCore
    • Authentication
    • Access Control Lists
    • User Management System
    • Settings Backend
  • QtzData
    • Database Integration Backend (multiple vendors)
    • Data Management Utilities (cross-vendor backup, restore, encrypt tools)
    • Data Analysis Tools
  • QtzWidgets
    • Advanced Editor Widgets
    • Data Management GUI
    • Security GUI Backend
    • Miscellaneous


This library depends on Qt4 or Qt5 and Crypto++. You also need a modern C++ compiler that implements C++11 specification. Currently GCC >= 4.6 and Clang are supported. There is no guarantee to successful builds of Microsoft Visual C++ compilers, and there is no plan to support them in the future.


To compile Qtz on *nix like environments type:

qmake CONFIG+=release CONFIG+=local

In Windows environment:


To speed up build process you may want to use make -j<N> where <N> is number of your processors.


If build has been finished successfully, you may want to install it:

sudo make install

On Linux platforms all files will go through correct path. On Windows you may need to define explicit paths.

sudo mingw32-make install INSTALL_ROOT=c:\mingw64